On the search for the perfect WiFi landing page, here at ADViFi we decided to do an experiment. Deep in our hearts we all knew that making people share their personal data to use the WiFi is somehow wrong and doom to failure. Yet, we see great many venues use that same approach. We believe that WiFi is a service that demands to be free by all means, therefore we embarked on this experiment to prove the point that people will not share their personal data in exchange for the free WiFi.
Instead of the regular ADViFi design with a changeable banner on top, we used a WiFi landing page that makes users connect to the WiFi only if they sign in with their Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn account (see the second mock-up on the right):
The results were pretty clear:
1,202 people attempted to use the WiFi and saw the WiFi landing page with social logins
589 people saw the page and never used the WiFi
516 of them decided to login with Facebook to use the WiFi
46 of them connected with Twitter
51 of them used Linkedin login
To sum up:
51% were willing to share their social media data to use the WiFi ;
49% did not use the WiFi at all after seeing the prompt screen.
What happens when visitors decide not to login with Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn to use the WiFi? Well, they simply don’t take advantage of the service that you are already paying for. Plus, your customers are left dissatisfied. All of this damage is done to collect data from the other 51%, which personal information you may not ever use consistently.
The consequences for your business:
Let’s do the maths – If you have a venue that attracts 500,000 visitors per year, 20% of them use the WiFi, then 49,000 customers would be left dissatisfied, not willing to use your internet.
What is the solution?
We advise you to keep the WiFi captive screen, but use it in a more user-friendly way and actually generate money from it. Our ADViFi landing page is developed in a way so you could still gain value from it and leave customers happy at the same time.
What could you do with the ADViFi landing page:
- Improve customer experience
- Generate profit from displaying relevant external ads
- Approve/Disapprove external ads
- Display your venue’s ads for free
- Change your own adverts dynamically at any time
- View statistics on footfall, impressions, clicks on the page
- Target adverts at different time of the day on various hotspots
- Control ads on hotspots both manually and at a larger scale
Register on ADViFi for free, set up WiFi branding and bring new revenue from WiFi ads. Register your venue here and read more info for WiFi venues here.